Malicious falsehood claim of the electronic document
Documento electrónico, tacha de falsedad, carga dinámica, medio informático, dictamen pericial, prueba documentalAbstract
The purpose of this article is to determine whether the claim of malicious falsehood is prepared to carry out the contradiction of the electronic document. To this effect, it will be described in the first place the particularities of the electronic document, as well as the characteristics of the procedure of the claim of falsehood; highlighting then that with respect to this kind of documents although they have the same evidentiary value as the rest of those mentioned in article 243 of the General Code of the process, it is not possible to determine its authenticity as a printed document, handwritten or that which does not depend on an electronic means for its creation and preservation. Therefore, based on this difference, it will be analyzed whether it is feasible to contradict such evidence by means of the procedure of the challenge of falsity, for this purpose the concepts of the burden of proof and the duty of cooperation of the parties will be addressed.
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