Suspension of works that have an urban planning license, but do not have permission from the cultural administrative authority



Bienes de interés cultural, licencia urbanística, autoridad administrativa cultural, suspensión de obras, acto administrativo


The purpose of this research is to analyze the factual and concrete situations that may arise when an intervention is being carried out in a real estate of cultural interest (BIC), and the circumstances exist that there is an urban license to support said intervention. However, there is no authorization from the corresponding cultural administrative authority, which is an essential requirement to carry out said intervention, in accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of Law 1185 of 2008, and said authority orders the suspension of works that is being carried out in said BIC. The legal problem that arises in these situations seems to be that, for some, the cultural administrative authority, when proceeding to order the suspension of works, seems to be carrying out a judgment of legality of the urban planning license granted, being that this attribution is exclusive to the contentious administrative jurisdiction. For this reason, it will be analyzed whether the cultural administrative authority, when ordering the suspension of works that do not have the respective authorization in the terms of article 7 of Law 1185 of 2008, and despite having an urban planning license, overflows or not its powers when making a judgment of legality of the urban license.

Author Biographies

Alfonso Fernando A. Carrillo Velásquez, Abogado de la Universidad Libre

Abogado de la Universidad Libre, Especialista en Derecho Contencioso Administrativo de la Universidad Externado, Magister en Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Libre sede Cartagena y Miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Teoría Jurídica y Derechos Fundamentales “phrónesisâ€.

María Carolina Hoyos Bula, Abogada y Magister (C) en Derecho de la Universidad de Cartagena

Abogada y Magister (C) en Derecho de la Universidad de Cartagena y Miembro del Grupo de Investigación en Teoría Jurídica y Derechos Fundamentales “phrónesisâ€.


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How to Cite

Carrillo Velásquez, A. F. A. ., & Hoyos Bula, M. C. . (2023). Suspension of works that have an urban planning license, but do not have permission from the cultural administrative authority. Revistas ICDP, (2). Retrieved from


