The diabolism of judgment

Critical reflection on the legal image of truth


  • Bryan Steven Duque Ramírez Abogado de la Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca, UCEVA


Facultad de juicio, subjetividad, teoría correspondentista de la verdad, teoría racional de la prueba, verdad


This paper presents a critical analysis of the legal conception of truth based on a review of selected works on rational theory of evidence. The overall intention is to demonstrate the improper conceptual appropriation of truth, which leads to the nullification of the faculty of judgment. The justification for this hypothesis highlights the need for a reformulation of the premises underlying the theory and the explicit clarification of its guiding purposes.

The reflection unfolds in three stages: firstly, it demonstrates that the rational theory of evidence adopts, as its starting premise, a teleological link between evidence and truth that is rooted in a flawed understanding of truth as correspondence; secondly, it identifies the conceptual problems arising from this premise, subjecting it to a philosophical analysis within the framework of Martin Heidegger's thought, thereby exposing its theoretical fragility; finally, it evaluates the significance of a certain diabolism of judgment that emerges in the legal literature on this theory, concluding that the nullification of judgment, through submission to consensus, is the primary consequence of an improper conceptual appropriation of truth.

Author Biography

Bryan Steven Duque Ramírez, Abogado de la Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca, UCEVA

Abogado de la Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca, UCEVA. Estudiante de maestría en filosofía en la Universidad del Valle. Cuarto lugar en el XVII Concurso Internacional para Estudiantes de Derecho Nivel Pregrado - Semilleros 2016.


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How to Cite

Duque Ramírez, B. S. . (2023). The diabolism of judgment: Critical reflection on the legal image of truth. Revistas ICDP, (1). Retrieved from


