The tipicity in the colombian and spanish sanctioning administrative law
Tipicidad, derecho administrativo sancionador, sanción, derecho comparado, flexibilidad, jurisprudenciaAbstract
The typicality is that technical formula that accumulates the conditions of forecast and certainty of the norms that accurately frames the facts constituting an infringement and its repressive consequences in the legal norm. However, in the field of Colombian and Spanish practice, the previous requirement for not having a precise normative regulation has generated certain confusion and controversies about the application of said principle, since being a figure of criminal extraction, there are no referential elements. that allow to clearly infer when there is indeterminacy, vagueness or imprecision of the administrative type, since, the biggest problem of constitutional jurisprudence in both legal systems has been to delimit those crucial and paradigmatic aspects of the administrative infraction.
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