The delicate balance between intellectual property law and the right to freedom of expression

A critical analysis


  • Sara Elina Díaz Deluquez Abogada


Conocimiento, derechos de autor, era digital, información, libertad intelectual


The digital era has fostered the use, reception and management of information in an easy and accessible way for all users worldwide, and likewise, the creation, invention and distribution of content for authors, generating friction between the rights of users and their owners, this research proposes a critical analysis of the balance between intellectual property law and the right to freedom of expression or intellectual freedom, and their tensions, to later propose ideas that guarantee a balance between both, promoting copyright protection and creative freedom in Colombia.

Author Biography

Sara Elina Díaz Deluquez, Abogada

Abogada de la Universidad De La Guajira


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How to Cite

Díaz Deluquez, S. E. . (2023). The delicate balance between intellectual property law and the right to freedom of expression: A critical analysis. Revistas ICDP, (2). Retrieved from


