The use of area spraying with glyphosate in the eradication of illicit crops and its impact on the environment in the most vulnerable populations of Colombia



Medio ambiente, cultivos ilícitos, glifosato, impactos, erradicación


The purpose of this article is to evaluate the possible impacts and consequences that legal aerial spraying with glyphosate can bring in Colombia and its real impact on the environment and the most vulnerable populations, all within the framework of Colombian regulations and international regulations. Likewise, it seeks to contrast the above, with the immense need to combat criminal groups dedicated to drug trafficking and the search to free the areas of influence where they are located, to recover those municipalities or jurisdictions that have been consumed by illegality. caused by drug traffickers and that have greatly affected peasant communities.

Author Biography

Lizeth Mayerli Navarro Contreras, Abogada egresada de la Universidad Santo Tomás

Abogada egresada de la Universidad Santo Tomás de Bucaramanga, periodista de opinión y escritora.


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How to Cite

Navarro Contreras, . L. M. . (2023). The use of area spraying with glyphosate in the eradication of illicit crops and its impact on the environment in the most vulnerable populations of Colombia. Revistas ICDP, (2). Retrieved from




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