Protection of the right to health in the population penitentiary

Study of the colombian case in times of pandemic



Derecho a la salud, Población penitenciaria, Colombia, Pandemia


The objective of this research was to analyze the protection of the right to health in the prison population. studying the Colombian case in times of pandemic by COVID-19. The methodology used; according to the approach it was categorized as qualitative; according to its purpose it was classified as pure or basic; due to the level reached as descriptive and due to the sources from which the information was collected, it was classified as documentary, bibliographical-hermeneutical review. In relation to the results, it was found; that there are conventional and legal instruments that contemplate the human rights of persons deprived of liberty (PPL), specifically the fundamental right to health, which emphasize the obligations arising from the relationship of subjection between the prison authorities and the inmates in jails. It was learned that the Colombian State declared a health emergency, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, taking as a measure the substitution of the prison sentence and the measure of securing preventive detention in a prison establishment for detention and imprisonment at home. It was concluded that these measures did not guarantee preventive isolation, compliance with the sanitary measures recommended by the World Health Organization, much less, the protection of the right to dignity of the prison population, which is under its authority.

Author Biography

Martha Gineth Padilla Santamaría, Abogada penalista

Abogada penalista, Especialista en Derechos Humanos, Culminando especialización en Derecho Constitucional, Magister en Recursos Humanos, Doctora en Ciencias Políticas, Defensora Pública en el Sistema Penal Acusatorio, Docente en Pregrado y Postgrados en Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Popular del Cesar, Coordinadora de Postgrados en Universidad Popular del Cesar,Docente en Postgrados en Universidad de Santander – UDES, entre otros


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How to Cite

Padilla Santamaría, M. G. . (2023). Protection of the right to health in the population penitentiary: Study of the colombian case in times of pandemic. Revistas ICDP, (1). Retrieved from


