Respect for human dignity and due process from the practice of evidence based on neuroimaging in the colombian criminal process


  • Juan Pablo Rodríguez Sarmiento Estudiante


Derechos humanos, debido proceso, dignidad humana, neurociencia, proceso penal


This article focuses on studying the influence of neuroscience in criminal evidence law where it could be given an important use to unravel the truth in the process, however, controversy arises around neuroimaging techniques because it is believed that these could violate the fundamental rights of those who are subjected to them. Therefore, we intend to analyze the practice of evidence based on neuroimaging without specifically violating the rights to due process and human dignity, conducting a study of the suitable means of evidence to make use of this novel science, the constitutional jurisprudence and the legal provisions in Law 906 of 2004, resulting in the viability of such evidence in the Colombian criminal process.

Author Biography

Juan Pablo Rodríguez Sarmiento, Estudiante

Estudiante de la Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro. Miembro del Semillero en Derechos Humanos y Garantías Procesales. Auxiliar de Investigación de la Facultad de Derecho, miembro del Comité Editorial de la Revista Ius Praxis. Miembro Estudiante y Auxiliar de Investigación del Instituto Colombiano de Derecho Procesal.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Sarmiento, J. P. . (2023). Respect for human dignity and due process from the practice of evidence based on neuroimaging in the colombian criminal process. Revistas ICDP, (2). Retrieved from


