Technological delegitimization

A proposal to the legal reality that meets the social will


  • Juan Sebastian Rodriguez Gutierrez Estudiante de derecho en Universidad Externado de Colombia


ODR, legitimación, solvencia, congestión procesal, TIC


The implementation of TIC generated by the Covid-19 crisis contemplated a solvency to the legal needs resulting from a judicial stagnation, however, the development criteria led to an imposed implementation derived from necessity. Three years after the historical phenomenon, it is necessary to make an analysis of the postulates that allowed its development and contemplate substantial elements taking into account the current social conditions, but above all, a future legitimization that starts from the true understanding for social recognition and not on a legal imposition under which citizens must adapt abruptly, showing the need to seek alternative dispute resolution to the prevailing problem of judicial congestion, which directly affects the interests and rights of citizens.

Author Biography

Juan Sebastian Rodriguez Gutierrez, Estudiante de derecho en Universidad Externado de Colombia

Estudiante de derecho en Universidad Externado de Colombia. Asistente legal en Mandatos abogados. Bogotá – Colombia


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How to Cite

Rodriguez Gutierrez, J. S. . (2023). Technological delegitimization: A proposal to the legal reality that meets the social will. Revistas ICDP, (2). Retrieved from


